I am Bruce Green, and I am a lawyer in London who scammed Dr. Sohail Hashmi. When he complained, I reported him to the police for money laundering and fraud so I did not have to pay him. I am behind www.secureplatformfunding.com, and this is how I scammed Dr. Sohail Hashmi

I am Bruce Green, and I am a lawyer in London who scammed Dr. Sohail Hashmi. When he complained, I reported him to the police for money laundering and fraud so I did not have to pay him. I am behind www.secureplatformfunding.com, and this is how I scammed Dr. Sohail Hashmi

I kept 40 Million Dollars belonging to Sohail Hashmi my own Gold Broker.

Details of our easiest scam

We think the SBLC scam is the easiest one for people to accept, after all, how can you value something which can be issued from a hundred places, it is even harder to value if it is from a sanctioned territory, the managed SBLC trade is the one most people fall for, if they doubt us or the programme, we offer them the opportunity to be a broker and then advise them to offer it to others. The objective is to get the money and once we have it, we keep promising to pay the yields but never do. Closer to the day of delivery of funds we agree everything is ready for disbursement, but then offer reasons for the delay, what we try to do is to get into a dispute or argument then we just tell them we cannot pay because they have instigated legal proceedings or we offer the disparagement agreement as an excuse not to pay.  The scam starts before we have the money, but once we have their cash we tell them not to contact me Bruce Green and only speak to their traders or facilitators, Jordan Denise the palm oil dealer who is the ”SBLC” provider and Jonathan Cannon who has been the ”independent” trustee for two years is also the ”Trader” Bruce Green will just tell you to wait for contact from the trustee and trader Jonathan Cannon because in the contract it states you cannot contact any of the other parties, or you forfeit your money. in reality, it is still actually me Bruce Green who is answering your emails all the time. Jonathan Cannon will tell you Bruce Green is just a broker when pressed. All SPF instruments were from Eastern block oil companies years and not much has changed.

Here are the contracts and promises of delivery we offered Dr Hashmi for over 2 years before he parted with his money to build a hospital and create 60 Jobs.

Feel free to download all documents attached here .

Scammers associated with Bruce Green, here are their passports and data files showing criminal records and their financial status.

Jordan Denise and Jonathan Cannon are close and significant team members of Bruce Green. They have collaborated together with Bruce Green, for many years according to the contracts he supplies for signing, but I am pretty sure these are shells, I found the real Jordan Denise and she was a vulnerable old lady with a drug habit who had seen many attempts to help her with rehabilitation and many Police arrests, you will also find this if you look heard enough, attached are the credit files and passports numbers with the company incorporation details, they often use brokers KYC/CIS details to conduct scams also.

Some brokers on their lists are also shells, you may be wondering what happened to all those deals you submitted and you could not complete.

Bruce will tell you he has seen it from another broker already, and you will be circumvented, they will conduct the business from the shell that is actually them.

From what we know he has completed few supply of SBLC deals in South America with instruments originating from Russian oil company subsidiaries and Banned territories just as he did in the past.

Criminals like Bruce Green are so predictable, its always your fault if they do not pay you, not theirs, and they believe their contracts will protect them, because they are using specific terms. In most countries their contracts would be illegal but your conveyancing lawyer won’t spot this.

Letters to Google and Apple

There is case law which tells you that if you have been recommended an investment or service from a reliable source and there was a specific intention to cause you economic harm then the party transmitting the information can be liable also, l have written to Google board members and Apple board members asking them to remove Bruce Green and the company Secure Platform Funding from advertising on their platforms, and of course, berating others he has ripped off, anyone he doesn’t want to pay goes on his site as a scammer or fraudster.  It is also now known he Sponsors some of the sites where complaints are listed against Secure Platform Funding, we have evidence of payments made by his affiliates in places like Latvia, a senior banker told us of this.

Apple were kind enough to reply but that is not exactly what was needed, Google did not respond to four (4) letters to their board members, I would have thought Google would know how to address a request such as this, some years ago in court a lady won damages, claiming that for her only source of the investigation was the internet and google were listing the business, she lost her savings to0, and the transmission and transfer of that of the data to her,  helped her decide to Invest, but the company stole her money, she was awarded over 300,000 dollars in damages and costs. 

UK case law also shows the Tort of deceit, the specific intention to cause economic harm when people are advised by others to use a service which they knew, suspected or failed to check before recommending them was flawed. EWCA CIV861. This case shows that advice given by another (intermediary) causing harm to another was a criminal offence. 

The letters posted and received by Google and Apple are attached here, they were received as we have receipt signatures, we also wrote to the counties who issued the company certificates in Vermont for Jonathan Cannon and only got an out-of-office reply from the lady in the office, Ms Prosser.

Looking through the entire contact database for Jonathan Cannon, there are no registrations to conduct a financial services business anywhere, also the same for Jordan Denise in Singapore and Bruce Green in the Marshall Islands feel free to download this information from this website.

Secure Platform funding has its servers in Switzerland, not just for tax reasons,  Switzerland now has tax treaties with most of the world, for Bruce Green this is due to the process of recovery of criminal proceeds.  Check the laws, we have known these for over 30 years.

List of some lawyers confirming Bruce Green is a scammer there are more than 500 we know of today.

Numerous individuals have voiced concerns regarding the alleged scam involving Bruce Green and his fraudulent brokerage. Dozens of lawyers from various parts of the world have received complaints related to the scam and accusations of money laundering against Bruce Green. 

The list of these lawyers, along with their images, is available for reference. It is important to note that all of these legal professionals are actively involved in addressing the allegations against Bruce Green and want to see an end to illegal contracts, and the hiding of funds obtained by nothing more than deception there are more than 200 hundred lawyers on this list, but even your own legal system wherever you are will tell you this. 

The problem with this industry is there is always a bank behind transactions such as this and they rely on brokers bringing them work and any upfront fees they obtain are shared by the bank and the brokers. Some brokers who have access to the bankers have extensive records of never completing a deal.

This means if you give Bruce Green 500,000 USD as we did you will find it was shared by him and the bankers arranging the SBLCs, these are issued for the cost of a SWIFT message that normally costs less than 30 pounds and they wait for settlement from another bank ready to take the instrument, Australia is a good target for this type of asset, there are normally no additional costs other than broker fees and paymaster, a few percent. 

List of all brokers associated with Bruce Green

Here is a comprehensive list of all brokers associated with Bruce Green and their respective companies, the individuals who are assisting him in perpetrating scams against people. with or without their knowledge many of brokers using Bruce Greens d strategy have taken funds from clients